We Are Gathered

God uses simple things, water and words, by which to call us into a new life as a part of Christ’s Body in the world.  Our identity as the baptized informs our relationships: with God (as children), with our neighbors (as siblings), and with creation (as careful stewards).  In our baptisms we have been drawn into God’s mission to love and bless the whole world. 


We Are Fed

And so God uses bread, wine, and words by which to feed us with God’s very Self, granting us the strength to serve as God’s hands, feet, and voices in the world, for the world.  We are fed by God’s grace, and yet our hunger for peace is never sated, our thirst for justice never quenched.  In Christ’s body and blood given for us, God forgives us and nourishes us for mission.


We Are Sent

God regularly gathers us in, feeds us with the Word, and then sends us out to be the Body of Christ in the world, to find where Jesus is present (which is everywhere! but especially among those in need), and to stand with him there.  We strive to embody our need to be community, to be family together, along with our understanding that the church exists for the people outside its walls.

We are a welcoming community of faith, made up of young and old, married and single, widowed and divorced, straight and queer, working and retired, liberal and conservative, faithful and questioning, healthy and hurting… and everything in between.  What we share is the belief in the good news of God’s love, revealed in Jesus, and the conviction that we need to share it (both the love and the good news!).  It’s a journey, God is leading us, and we’d be glad for you to walk with us!